The 暑期桥学者 program provides an academically rigorous summer experience to incoming first-year college students to prepare them for a successful college career at UMKC.


暑期桥学者 engage in a rigorous and intensive eight-week program. 除了他们的课程, scholars participate in programming related to professional development, 生涯探索, 文化的浓缩, 团队建设, 校园的参与, 指导, 学术技能培养和公民参与.



Benefits of Becoming a Summer Bridge Scholar

通过这次经历, 暑期桥学者 are better prepared to enter college and also develop a sense of connectedness to the UMKC campus and the larger Kansas City community. Once scholars successfully complete the summer semester with a 2.平均成绩0分,编程出勤率90%, they will transition to being fully admitted to UMKC in the fall 2024 semester!

作为暑期桥奖学金获得者, 你的暑期奖学金将支付学费, 膳食计划, 教科书, 评估, 远足, 停车券, 运输, and residence life housing (if you choose to live on campus). Scholars that successfully complete the program will also receive a $500 scholarship for the fall 2024 semester.


The 暑期桥学者 program will offer both online and on-campus components. The entire eight week program will run from June 3, 2024 to July 26, 2024.

在线课程(6月3日- 6月19日)
Scholars will participate in the first three weeks of the program virtually. Students will participate in engaging online programming and will be enrolled in two eight-week courses from 9AM-5PM Monday-Friday during these first three weeks. While many of the activities will be computer-based, please know that students will not be stationed at a screen for the full eight hours each day.

校内项目(6月20日- 7月26日)
Scholars who successfully complete the first three weeks of the online program with a 90% or higher attendance rate will transition to the last five weeks of the program, 哪些是校园体验. Students have the option to reside in the residence hall or commute to campus. Scholars will continue their two eight-week courses and participate in academic support programming from 9AM-5PM Monday-Friday during these five weeks.

住宅项目: Students will reside in the residence hall (at no cost) and continue their engagement in two courses (in-person) and academic support programming on campus from 9:00 AM-5:00 PM Monday-Friday during these five weeks. This option is open to all 暑期桥学者, but students who will be residing in their residence halls in the fall are 强烈建议 to participate in this version of the program to become accustomed to living on campus early.
Residential Move In (Thursday, June 20, 2024)

非住宅项目: Students will commute to campus and continue their engagement in two courses (in-person) and academic support programming on campus from 9:00 AM-5:00 PM Monday-Friday during these five weeks. 选择此选项的学生 必须 live within 30 miles of campus and have reliable 运输 to and from campus.


Scholars will have the unique opportunity to enroll in two eight-week summer courses that fulfill degree requirements, to give them a head start on their first year of coursework at UMKC. The 暑期桥学者 program coordinator will communicate these options with scholars. Each Summer Bridge Scholar will finish the summer session with at least four college credits.


Scholars will gain knowledge of diverse cultures, 跨文化交际, 特权和压迫的动态, 以及群体之间的权力使用. They will develop and explore their own competence regarding the dimensions of difference, especially as it relates to others in their communities. Scholars will gain knowledge about notable historical and political figures in the Kansas City community. 最后, scholars will be challenged to examine their own perceptions about the history and influence of people of color in the Kansas City community.


Scholars will be introduced to the resources provided by UMKC就业服务. Scholars will learn professional networking skills, interview strategies and resume building through seminars and interactive activities. Scholars will also have the opportunity to participate in networking events over the summer and connect with an on-campus professional mentor.


Scholars will be placed into a smaller cohort with other scholars and be paired with a peer mentor, who will be a current UMKC student or recent graduate. 每个星期, scholars will engage in group 团队建设 sessions as well as one-to-one mentoring sessions. Peer mentors will provide scholars with engaging workshops on topics such as balancing academic and social life, the importance of student involvement on campus, 练习自我保健, 沟通技巧, 时间管理和组织, 与家庭成员划清界限, 获取社区资源, 校园导航.

For questions regarding the 暑期桥学者 program, visit our 常见问题页面 或发邮件至